Our Vision:
To be the biggest participation sport in Scotland by bringing people and communities together through badminton.
In the simplest terms, Badminton Scotland is responsible for the development of the sport in Scotland. We believe that there are a number of activities that will help us to achieve this.
While the core activities below represent much of what we do on a day to day basis, we are also very aware of our contribution to everyday life in Scotland. We recognise our role and responsibilities with regard to the health and wellbeing of all Scottish communities.
We are conscious of the need to develop relationships with government, local authorities and other public bodies, such as the NHS, to enhance the lives of all.

There are a number of core activities that will help us achieve this:
Badminton is unique in terms of accessibility, appealing to all ages and all groups and communities in Scotland. We have also fostered strong links with volunteer groups and many 3rd sector organisations, developing programmes to pool resources and achieve common goals.
Scottish Badminton, more than a sport, a Community.