Register your Competition

Badminton Scotland have an extensive competition calendar. We welcome new competition organisers, if you would like to organise a competition, please contact us for advice and to register you competition. This means competitions across Scotland can be put together in a structured and logical way, avoiding potential clashes which can reduce the number of entries.

Competitions are required to pay levies to Badminton Scotland, so this should be factored into your budget when setting entry fees. Levies are shown below, along with links to download the various tournament levy forms.

All junior tournaments 80p per person per event/discipline – download form
All senior ranking tournaments £1.30p per person per event/discipline – download form
All senior restricted tournaments £1.05p per person per event/discipline – download form

Register your Competition

If you would like to register your competition for the 2023/24 season, please download and complete a Tournament form, then return it to our head of events. You should also read the Letter to Tournament Organisers for important information relating to completing the sanction form.

If you would like to discuss possible dates for your tournament, please email us or call 07923 229560.


Please note that any tournament which is included in our calendar must divide prizes equally between male and female events. We believe this will ensure that prizes are distributed in a way that is equitable and fair to all competitors.

Age groups for Junior Tournaments

Badminton Scotland’s age group qualification for the 2023/24 season will continue to be in line with Badminton Europe, namely:

2024 2025
U10 Born 2015 or later Born 2016 or later
U11 Born 2014 or later Born 2015 or later
U12 Born 2013 or later Born 2014 or later
U13 Born 2012 or later Born 2013 or later
U14 Born 2011 or later Born 2012 or later
U15 Born 2010 or later Born 2011 or later
U16 Born 2009 or later Born 2010 or later
U17 Born 2008 or later Born 2009 or later
U18 Born 2007 or later Born 2008 or later
U19 Born 2006 or later Born 2007 or later

As Scottish Schools Events are tied to the Academic Calendar, their Championships shall be defined as Primary Championships and Secondary Championships (Junior, Intermediate and Senior).

Age groups for Masters Tournaments

Players must have reached the required age for the categories entered by 31st December 2024.

Establish the Seeds for your tournament

Once you have received all the entries to your tournament you will need to establish which players should be seeded. To do this, please contact the following appointed persons:

Seeds are based on player rankings taken three weeks before the start of a tournament. Please note that although seedings are based on ranking lists, the people listed below are granted the flexibility to apply their judgement in cases where obvious anomalies occur.

Please note that one change we are making from season 2024/25 onwards is that Grade C events now need to be seeded. Tournament organisers are responsible for creating the seedings for their Grade C events and the seeds should be based on the Scottish ranking lists. Tournament organisers are granted the flexibility to apply their judgement in cases where there is a clear anomaly. Tournament organisers can contact Badminton Scotland’s Head of Events or Chair of Events for further information and/or support with this if required.

Tournament organisers should continue to contact Badminton Scotland’s appointed person (named below) for seeds for Grade A and Grade B events.

For Senior Ranking Tournaments:
Robert Blair , , 0141 445 1218

For Junior Ranking Tournaments :
Josh Neil , , 07879 336464

For Masters (non-ranking) Tournaments:
Dan Travers – Chairperson Masters Selection Committee , , 07801 793038

The number of seeds for each event should be based on the number of entries, as per the guidelines below:

3-11 entries = 2 seeds
12-23 entries = 4 seeds
24-47 entries = 8 seeds
48-64 entries = 16 seeds

Service Height Guide

BWF has changed the Laws to make the legal height for a service to be 115cm. This would be measured by the Service Judge with the aid of a Service Height device. Without the assistance of this device it is difficult to determine if a service is legal with any degree of accuracy or consistency. Badminton Scotland has therefore decided, for the clarity of players and in line with practices throughout Europe, that the new Law will only be applicable when there is a service height device in use beside the court. At all other tournaments the previous Law referring to the waist and with the racket head pointing in a downward direction will apply. A tournament must use the same service height law throughout the duration of the event.

Last Updated: 11th July 2023