2021 Uber Cup Finals – Provisional Team Announcement

The Uber Cup Finals will take place in Aarhus, Denmark, from 9-17 October 2021, and Scotland’s provisional team is as follows:

Rachel Andrew

Kirsty Gilmour

Julie MacPherson

Lauren Middleton

Eleanor O’Donnell

Rachel Sugden

Ciara Torrance

The team will be accompanied by National Head Coach, Ingo Kindervater.

If you wish to appeal against your non-selection, you are required to submit your written appeal letter to reach our Chief Executive, Keith Russell, by email no later than 5pm on Saturday 18 September (keith@badmintonscotland.org.uk).

The selection criteria for the Uber Cup Finals is on the Badminton Scotland website and can be found here. Please note, at point 6, that appeals will only be considered on the grounds that the selection was not made in accordance with the listed criteria. The appellant will be required to lodge a deposit of £25 with any such appeal. If the appeal is successful, the deposit will be refunded. Otherwise the deposit will be forfeit.