A.B.A achieve Silver Shuttlemark Award

The Grampian RDO, Joe Robinson, had the pleasure of presenting A.B.A with their Silver Shuttlemark Certificate on Friday at one of their club nights, A.B.A become the first club in the North East region to achieve the Silver Award and the 22nd club in Scotland to become a part of the scheme.

The club have embraced the Badminton Scotland accreditation scheme and it has helped them improve their governance structures, links with the local community and plan for the future as the club looks to grow, providing excellent badminton opportunities for all ages and abilities.

Badminton Scotland have been very impressed with how the club have responded during the COVID pandemic by adapting the delivery of their sessions and offering outdoor badminton sessions along with weekly virtual fitness classes to help keep their members active and engaged.

All this being said, the committee aren’t stopping there and are now looking forward to achieving the Gold Shuttlemark Award!