All England Seniors (Masters) Open Round Up

By Julie Dunlop

Fifteen Scots travelled down to Hertfordshire from 14-16 April 2023 to compete in the All-England Masters Open. As well as the usual suspects, there were a few first timers competing in the tournament. We had entries in almost every age group ranging from over 35 to over 75, possibly the biggest contingent since Peter Barr started going in the 1800’s! (Sorry Peter).

First, it’s about taking part so applause to:

Peter Barr, Ewen McDonnell, Alan Pirie, Dan Travers, Christine Black, Ross Gladwin, Alan McMillan, Aileen Nairn, Julie Dunlop, Suzanne Henderson, Carolyn Young, Ross Campbell, Fraser McCulloch, Francis Mclure and Jodie Barral. Plus, a mention for Helen Milne, our Sussex resident Scot. While many of us played with our usual Scottish partners, some teamed up with Danes, Dutch, English and Irish. There were plenty of little wins (to coin Claudia Winkleman’s phrase) in the pool stages with some good matches going in the Scots’ favour. The games were a great standard, well done to everyone.

But it’s not just about taking part, it’s about winning so here are the headlines:

Medals in 4 events – 3 golds and 1 silver.

Frances Mclure and Jodie Barral won Women’s Doubles over 35

Dan Travers won Men’s Doubles over 65 with his Danish partner

Christine Black secured a silver medal in Women’s Doubles over 65 with her English partner

Alan McMillan won Men’s Doubles over 55 with his Danish partner

And finally, it’s about the socialising:

Perhaps fortunately, the “what goes on tour” rule applies when it comes to the social side – not because it was lacking but because I spent the Saturday evening laid up in my hotel room with an injury and nobody will tell me the juicy bits to write.

A few teasers include something about Christine refusing to call it a night and Frances’ underwear arrangements. As I said, probably best there are no details. Suffice to say a great time was had by all.

Great to see so many Scottish Masters competing well at this level. Let’s keep the momentum going for future events (hopefully injury free).