ANGUSalive Sport & Leisure inaugural “Recruitment Meet and Greet event”

ANGUSalive Sport & Leisure inaugural “Recruitment Meet and Greet event” is being hosted on Wednesday 27th September at Forfar Community Campus, and there are two slots: 1-2.30pm and 7-8.30pm.

ANGUSalive aims to inspire more healthy, active and creative opportunities across the local authority (underpinned by the Sport and Physical Activity Framework). To achieve this, many paid and voluntary roles across the service are evolving or emerging, improving recruitment opportunities for volunteering and employed positions within the Sport & Leisure service.

The Recruitment meet and greet event is open to all individuals who would like to pursue recruitment opportunities within the Sport and Leisure Service. During these events there will be an opportunity to:

  • Gain an insight into sport and leisure facilities and programmes taking place
  • Meet the ANGUSalive Sport and Leisure Team
  • Hear about volunteering and employment opportunities across operational teams, junior programmes, swimming lessons, long term condition programmes, disability and inclusion programmes and adult fitness.

The event will be hosted on Wednesday 27th September at Forfar Community Campus, and there are two slots: 1-2.30pm and 7-8.30pm.

Refreshments will be available, and we are encouraging anyone planning to attend to sign up via

Find out more –

If you have any questions at all, please email and a member of the team will respond to you.