Badminton Europe: Gilmour did Everything She Could

Date10/14/2020 12:30 PM

Published by : Emilie Sommer (BEC)

One, who had a very tough first round at Denmark Open, was the Scottish women’s singles player, Kirsty Gilmour as she was facing world number 4, Nozomi Okuhara. 

In the first game Okuhara showed why she is second seed at this tournament when she won 21-7 against the world number 27.

– I went in with a positive attitude. I know this match was about attitude for me. It is really hard for me to know where I am at training, because I am mostly playing against the boys and it is tough to compare. I think everything I was doing was correct, I was just missing that last shot to win the points, Gilmour stated.

Despite the loss in the first game, Gilmour was not giving up. She gave everything she had and challenged Okuhara throughout the second game. But even though Gilmour played really well, and the former World champion won the second game 21-19.

Missing the crowd

Kirsty Gilmour has been on the tour for quite a while, but playing Denmark Open this year is something different from all the other tournaments she has played before.

– Denmark Open has done a good job to keep as much normality as possible. Obviously, we all have to make these small adaptations with masks and sanitizer everywhere, she said.

– I think the biggest compromise from the players perspective is the limited crowd. It is not a massive complain, because I know it is so necessary. But as long as we are all back playing, I do not think we can complain too much.