Club and community spotlight: Robert Hutchison

Robert moved to Inverness from Fife in December 2019 to live with his partner and after being in the region for 3-months, Covid struck, and we went into lockdown.

Lockdown for tough for everyone, but in particular this period gave Robert time to think. He felt Inverness was missing a certain format of a badminton doubles ladder which he used to attend in Fife.

Community at heart

Robert tells us: “As soon as we got back on court, I started asking around various clubs to see if there was an interest which I quickly realised there was but having never run a ladder before I knew this wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought”.

Robert received great support and backing from both Highland Badminton Group and Great Glen Badminton Club where he plays and after the work was done behind the scenes, Robert was ready to run the first of many Highland Doubles Ladders.

Doubles Ladder success

Robert began by booking the hall, setting a date and sending out an entry form. The set up was Groups of four pairings playing each other (1 set to 21). Robert says: “I was restricted to four courts, so the maximum entry was 16 pairs. No age restriction was in place so I could cater for all ages, juniors and seniors”.

Robert tells us the ladder was welcomed by everyone who attended. “People said they really enjoyed it and couldn’t wait for the next one. I felt like this could actually work. There was a mix of abilities from juniors that represent the Highland Badminton Group to experienced players in there 70’s”.

“It was good to see players from various clubs and regions come together on one day to play badminton, some of who have never met before. It was bringing the badminton community together”.

What’s next?

After the success of setting up his double’s ladder, Robert plans to run the ladder every four months with the next Highland Doubles Ladder on Sunday 23 October 2022 at the Black Isle Leisure Centre.

The following Ladder is planned for March with date and venue to be confirmed.

We’d like to say a huge congratulations and thank you to Robert for all the work he has put in by organising and making events like this happen. You are truly shaping and opening doors to the wider community in a positive way for the future of Scottish badminton!