Congratulations Peter Chiu: BWF International Line Judge Announcement

Badminton Scotland Court Officials Group (BSCO) would like to congratulate Peter Chiu on his selection as a BWF International Line Judge for the 2023-2026 term.

Peter joins a special group of Line Judges whose role it is to officiate at the highest level of elite events our sport has to offer. Over the next four years Peter will travel the world attending events such as the Olympic Games, World Tour Finals and the World Championships. We will look forward to following him on his journey.

Peter joins Gary McLernon, BSCO’s other BWF International Line Judge. Both started their Line Judge journey with a Line Judge training course. They then officiated at local, national and international events over a period of a number of years to attain their BWF selection. We wish both of them enjoyable travels and events in the future.

If you’d like to train as a Line Judge please contact Marisa Baird, Line Judge Coordinator for information on future courses and events.