Glasgow District & Churches Badminton Association Pilot New Doubles Event

The first pilot Sunday doubles event was held by Glasgow & District Churches Badminton Association (GDCBA) at the Sir Craig Reedie Centre, on the evening of 11th December 2022. The event started at 6.30pm until 8.30pm, and everything went well.

This is a fun pilot event to establish, if there is an appetite for this type of event, I think everyone enjoyed it, and their games. It was not intended as a competition at present, but only to see if it was of interest to the players, and if it would run successfully.

Each player played three rubbers in a short time, 2 hours, although, so far, there has not been a lot of feedback. However, all the players will be emailed and asked for their comments/suggestions that may improve the event.

There were 6 teams, of 4 players, took part and the players could be of any gender. Five of the teams were entered by existing member clubs of the Association and the sixth team was made up from various clubs and one individual. Unfortunately, a player was injured in his first rubber. However, we fortunately had a substitute standing by and they played in the remaining two rubbers.

Each team played six rubbers with the players playing with a different partner from the team in each rubber. One comment received was that some players played the same person from the opposing team in all rubbers! This will be looked at for future events. The other issue was that some courts were empty for a while because, the other couple had gone to three sets, and no other games could be put on until they were finished.

A special mention to GDCBA’s Jim McCulloch for running the pilot event.

All the results were published online through Tournament Software League Planner and full details of all the matches can be viewed here