Glasgow Life: National Volunteer Week

Today (Thursday 1 June) marks the start of National Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) and Glasgow Life, the charity responsible for delivering culture and sport in Glasgow, is celebrating the invaluable contribution of all its volunteers.

From 1 – 7 June, clubs and communities are being welcomed to nominate a volunteer by completing the short volunteer nomination form.

This year’s theme is ‘Celebrate and Inspire’. There are many volunteers that don’t always get the recognition they deserve for their contribution. So if you know someone who gives up their time to help and develop others or break down barriers through sport, then please nominate them today!

Glasgow Life will get in touch with the volunteer to let them know they have been nominated for recognition and will be rewarded over the coming weeks.

Bailie Annette Christie, Chair of Glasgow Life and Glasgow City Council’s Convenor for Culture, Sport and International Relations, said:

“As one of Scotland’s largest charities, our volunteers are at the heart of so much of what we do – whether that’s through our museums and libraries; our arts and music programming; our sports venues and services; or across our incredible year-round programme of major cultural and sporting events.

“We believe everyone deserves a great Glasgow life, and it’s reflected in the tireless dedication of our volunteers; not just this week, but all year round. Throughout the last operational year, our volunteers collectively gave more than 30,000 hours to supporting people and communities across our city and I’d like to thank every one of them.”

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