Graham Troke

Badminton Scotland are saddened to hear of the death of Graham Troke. Ronnie Conway, past president and chair of Badminton Scotland, pays his respects:

It was with sadness that I learned of the death of Graham Troke, husband of Diana Troke, current President of Badminton England.

Graham had a long involvement with Hampshire County badminton, but it was in connection with Diana’s role as President that I got to know  him.

Graham was the proud father of 2 English internationalists namely  Helen (MBE) and Catherine Troke.  He once confided to me that each time they played Scotland they left  home with the firm advice that if they lost to anyone Scottish, they would not be allowed back in the house.  Sadly for us, we never got to know if he was serious , as the girls  duly obliged their fond dad.

Graham was great company and the perfect ambassador for Badminton England.  Courteous, knowledgeable, and with a gentle sense of humour,  he was regular at the Scottish Open, and a very generous host for the Scots who attended the All England championships.

He  will be greatly missed and our condolences go to all his family.

Ronnie Conway, past President and Chair.


Badminton England’s tribute: