Ian Henderson: 1928-2021

It is with sadness that Badminton Scotland announce the death of a true badminton enthusiast, Ian Henderson.

Ian loved badminton and played throughout his life up until his 80th birthday.

Thereafter he still attended the club regularly, encouraging youngsters and helping less experienced players.

He was a member of Dunfermline Carnegie Badminton Club for over 50 years and held every position on the committee more than once!

He was also heavily involved in the Dunfermline Badminton Association serving as President and, until his death, Honorary President of the DBA.

The respect and affection local badminton players felt for Ian was evident by the large turnout at East End Park, home of his beloved Pars, where they lined up and applauded his hearse on its last journey.

He passed on his love of the game to his son James, and granddaughters Zoe & Leanne.

On a personal note, my first introduction to badminton was hitting a shuttle over the front hedge of Ian’s garden with his son James when we were 8 years old.

He is a great loss to his family and the badminton community.