National events rearranged and all other remaining events in season 2020/21 cancelled

Due to the current situation with Covid-19 and the guidance provided by the Scottish Government and sportscotland, we have taken the decision to formally cancel all remaining competitions in the 2020/21 season, with the exception of the four undernoted events.

The following events will instead be rearranged to dates later in the year, with information on revised dates and venues also shown below.

  • 14-15 August 2021: U13/17 National Junior Championships (Sir Craig Reedie Centre, Glasgow)
  • 21 August 2021: National Disability Championships (Dalkeith High School, Dalkeith)
  • 27-29 August 2021: Yonex National Championships (Bell’s Sports Centre, Perth)
  • 1-3 October 2021 : U15 Home Nations Quadrangular (venue tbc)

All other events in the 2020/21 season will be unable to go ahead.

We continue to monitor and review the situation and will provide further updates as and when appropriate.