Orkney Juniors Badminton an All-Around Success

Thanks to all the junior committee and parent helpers for helping with the running of the competition and also supplying the food for the kids. Huge thanks to the sponsors of the competition William Wilson.


(O) – Orkney, (S)- Shetland, (C)- Caithness, (H) – Highland

U18’s Winners:
Boys Singles
Winner: Tommy Ballantine (O)
R/up: Mark McCoustra ()
3rd: Joe Thomson (S)
Consolation winner: Igor Gazda (S)
Girls Singles
Winner: Keira Stevenson (O)
R/up: Nicole Miller ( C)
3rd: Ruth Morris (Shetland) (O)
Consolation winner Charis Reid (O)
Boys Doubles
Winner: Tommy Ballantine & Reid Kemp (O)
R/Up: Igor Gazda & Joe Thomson (S)
3rd: Liam Barnett & Andrew Seator (O)
Girls Doubles
Winners: Charis Reid & Keira Stevenson (O)
R/Up: Nia Hunter & Ruth Morris (S)
3rd: Megan Clouston & Nicola Sutherland (O)
Consolation winners: Nicole Miller & Emma Sendall (C)
Winners: Tommy Ballantine & Keira Stevenson (O)
R/Up: Mark McCoustra & Nicole Miller (C)
3rd: Joe Thomson & Ruth Morris (S)
Consolation winners: Will Oag & Nicola Sutherland (O)

U16’s Winners:
Boys Singles
Winner: Thomas Calder (S
R/Up: Callum Craig (H
3rd: Drew Leslie (O)
Consolation winner: Sven Thomson (S)
Girls Singles
Winner: Eleanor Strath (H)
R/Up: Leah Gunn (O)
3rd: Olivia Brown (S)
Consolation winner: Emma Sendall (H)
Boys Doubles:
Winners: Thomas Calder & Yann Mouat (S)
R/Up: Callum Craig & Drew Leslie (H & S)
3rd: Callum Fraser & Ross Fraser (S)
Consolation winners: Scott Rendall & Kalle Shearer (O)
Girls Doubles:
Winners: Eleanor Strath & Cara Strath (H)
R/up: Jody Groundwater & Leah Gunn (O)
3rd: Olivia Brown & Georgie Muir (S)
Consolation winners: Bethany Redfern & Sophie Tait (S)
Winners: Thomas Calder & Sophie Tait (S)
R/Up: Callum Craig & Emma Sendall (H)
3rd: Alistair Gordon & Eleanor Strath (H)
Consolation winners: Sven Thomson & Georgia Muir (S)

U14’s Winners:
Boys Singles:
Winner: Erlend Ballantine (O)
Runner Up: Alex Thompson (H)
3rd: Alastair Gordon (H)
Consolation winner: James Smith(S)
Girls Singles:
Winner: Shannon Leslie (O)
Runner up: Jody Groundwater (O)
3rd: Gemma Foulis (O)
Consolation winner: Eva Clark (H)
Boys Doubles:
Winners: Erlend Ballantine & Alex Thompson (O & H)
R/Up: Alistair Gordon & James Brown (H)
3rd: Zaigham Askari & Robbie Clouston (H & O)
Consolation winners: Kyran Alexander & Findlay Swanson (C)
Girls Doubles:
Winners: Shannon Leslie & Gemma Foulis (O)
R/up: Abigail Barrie & Kirsty Henderson (H)
3rd: Ruth Anderson & Kirsty Henderson (S)
Consolation winners: Gracie Gowans-Little & Maya MacKay (S)
Winners: Erlend Ballantine & Jody Groundwater (O)
R/up: Alex Thompson & Gemma Foulis (O)
3rd: James Brown & Cara Strath (H)
Consolation winners: Daniel Bannerman & Abigail Barrie (H)