Scotland Learning Disability Sport National Summer Games Round Up

Learning disabled badminton players strike gold, silver and bronze LD badminton players enjoyed a full day of competition at the inaugural Scotland Learning Disability Sport National Summer Games held at Stirling University 22-23 July 2023.

Badminton was part of a multi-sports weekend. Players from Dumfries & Galloway, Lothian and West of Scotland made up the 33 that competed in singles, level doubles and mixed doubles badminton events.

Many of the matches went into, nail biting, third games. None more so than Mixed Doubles Division 1, in which every match went to 3 games, entertaining the 50-60 spectators and 36 volunteers, including 12 Stirling Police Cadets, coaches, court officials and assistants, and the event Admin Team, right up to the end of play. I cannot thank the SLDS organisers and volunteers enough, without whom the event would not have taken place.

Finally, congratulations to all the players who were aptly presented with their medals by CEO Badminton Scotland, Keith Russell and Assistant Chief Constable, Gary Ritchie.

See more photos from the event

Full results below

National Summer Games July 2023 Badminton

Final Positions of Womens Singles Div 1
1 Siobhan Cuthbert Lothian
2 Diane Gillan West of Scotland
3 Isla Scott West of Scotland

Final Positions of Womens Singles Div 2
1 Hazel Irvine West of Scotland
2 Danielle Booth Guest
3 Rebecca Burton Dumfries & Galloway
4 Caitlin Donnachie West of Scotland

Final Positions of Womens Singles Div 3
1 Kathleen Inglis Lothian
2 Kate Burton Dumfries & Galloway
3 Rebecca Fairley Lothian
4 Karen Lyttle West of Scotland

National Summer Games July 2023 Badminton

Final Positions of Mens Singles Div 1
1 James Pert West of Scotland
2 Mathew Power Lothian
3 James McNeil West of Scotland
4 Kyle Schuller Lothian

Final Positions of Mens Singles Div 2
1 James Hemsley Guest
2 David Adie West of Scotland
3 Ross McCann West of Scotland

Final Positions of Mens Singles Div 3
1 Joe Beard Guest
2 Daniel Strang Lothian
3 Peter Sabine Lothian
4 Sam Lara Dumfries & Galloway

Final Positions of Mens Singles Div 4
1 Will Bates Guest
2 Ross Ferrando Lothian
3 Liam Palmer Dumfries & Galloway
4 Mark Samins West of Scotland

National Summer Games July 2023 Badminton

Final Positions of Womens Doubles Div 1
1 Kate Burton and Rebecca Burton Dumfries & Galloway
2 Caitlin Donnachie and Hazel Irvine West of Scotland
3 Sharon Munro and Rebecca O’Connor Lothian

Final Positions of Mens Doubles Div 1
1 Grant Hunter and James Pert West of Scotland
2 Michael McCraw and Mathew Power Lothian
3 Kevin Dobson and James McNeil West of Scotland

Final Positions of Mens Doubles Div 2
1 David Adie and Ross McCann West of Scotland
2 Will Bates and Joe Beard Guest
3 Gregor Hardie and Peter Sabine Lothian
4 Sam Lara and Liam Palmer Dumfries & Galloway
5 Colin Nicolson and Mark Samins West of Scotland

National Summer Games July 2023 Badminton

Final Positions of Mixed Doubles Div 1
1 Grant Hunter and Diane Gillan West of Scotland
2 Kevin Dobson and Isla Scott West of Scotland
3 Michael McCraw and Siobhan Cuthbert Lothian

Final Positions of Mixed Doubles Div 2
1 Kyle Schuller and Rebecca O’Connor Lothian
2 Gregor Hardie and Kathleen Inglis Lothian
3 James Hemsley DQ and Danielle Booth Guest

Final Positions of Mixed Doubles Div 3
1 Daniel Strang and Sharon Munro Lothian
2 Ross Ferrando and Rebecca Fairley Lothian
3 Colin Nicolson and Karen Lyttle West of Scotland