Scottish Open Day 3: Winning Ugly Feels Pretty Good For Kristin

By RJ Mitchell

ESTONIA’S Kristin Kuuba has admitted that the only thing that mattered about her Women’s Singles semi-final with Japan’s Haruna Konishi was getting the win.

In an epic see-sawing encounter the Eastern European prevailed – just – 21-19, 13-21, 21-19 – claiming a victory over an opponent who just wouldn’t go away!

Reflecting on this and making her first Scottish Open final Kristin said: “It was a really long match physically and mentally it was tough. It was a bit up and down but I am just very happy to make the final.

“It was really difficult to get it done as I kept building three or four point leads and she kept closing it back up, so all credit to Haruna she was a very good fighter.

“Maybe it wasn’t the prettiest match and there were mistakes but semi – finals are about giving your all and finding a way to win and I did that and I am proud I managed to get it done.”

Awaiting Kristin in tomorrow’s final will be either Turkey’s Arin Neslihan or Qi Xufei of France but the Estonian says she has no preference and admits another toughie awaits no matter who she plays.

The Scottish Open finalist said: “I have played the Turkish girl Arin (Neslihan) before and I lost in three sets to her at the European Games but with the French girl I haven’t played her in a good long while.

“So it doesn’t matter who it is, I am ready for a hard fight.”

Meanwhile in the first semi-final of the men’s singles India’s Sanker Muthusanthy Subramaniam shocked the top-seeded Nhat Nguyan 22-20, 21-18 to book his place in tomorrow’s final.

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