Shuttlemark Awards for Granite City BC and Inverurie BC

Congratulations to Granite City badminton club (GCBC) and Inverurie badminton club (IBC) who were recently presented with their Shuttlemark Awards.

Granite City BC have now reached Gold status, and Inverurie badminton club has achieved both the Silver and Bronze award.

Badminton Scotland CEO, Keith Russell and Steven Cunningham, Regional Development Officer for the North East met with members of Granite City BC and Inverurie BC and to present the clubs with their certificates.

We would like to thank the Office bearers of GCBC and IBC for the work spent reviewing existing club management documents and engaging with us at Badminton Scotland to deliver the materials required to achieve the sign off for each Award.

What is Shuttlemark?

The Shuttlemark Award Scheme is designed to assist clubs in creating the appropriate club frameworks that will deliver safe, well managed club badminton to existing and prospective club members.

The aims of the programme is also to help support clubs in their development, strengthen infrastructure, plan for the future and in turn increase capacity and grow.

As well as a suite of tools, templates and good practice case studies, clubs can also access support from Regional Development Officers (RDOs) to achieve each level. Once a club has achieved a certain level, there are benefits and rewards that can be accessed.

For more information, download the Shuttlemark Information Pack here.

To have a look at the Shuttlemark Action plan, click here.

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