After the success of our inaugural awards over the past two years, we want to continue to celebrate and recognise the contribution of our incredible players, coaches, volunteers, officials and those who are making a difference to badminton in Scotland.

In 2024 our community has continued to make our sport an inclusive, welcoming and enjoyable community.

After two years of successful Badminton Scotland Awards we are once again bringing them back, with new awards to celebrate even more of our members and clubs going above across Scotland. be For the first time we are introducing a Community Impact Award, a Student Club of the year and a Masters performance Award.

If you know someone who’s made a positive impact on badminton in their club, school, community or elsewhere, you can fill out our nomination form to recognise their invaluable contribution – it’s a great way to thank someone for all their hard work and dedication, as well as raising the profile of our sport in your club or community.

Nominations are now open, and you can see the criteria for each award here.


Criteria and FAQs

Award Categories Descriptions and FAQs


All information for each category (apart from the lifetime achievement and performance award) must relate to the year of 2024. 


Please note:  

  • All nominees must be affiliated to Badminton Scotland 
  • All awards are inclusive of players, coaches and volunteers with disabilities or involved with disability clubs and players 
  • The Closing date for nominations is 15th September 2024

Across all categories, we are keen for nominees to demonstrate the following attributes: 

  • Inclusive – proactively addresses barriers 
  • Responsive – adapts based on the circumstances of the people around them 
  • Person centred – listens and puts people first 
  • World class – does everything to the highest standard and always seeks to improve 


The criteria for each category are listed below – please read these carefully before submitting a nomination. You may also wish to nominate an individual in more than one category if they meet the criteria, but you will need to submit a separate form for each.  

FAQs are at the bottom of the document.


Lifetime – Derrick Roarty Trophy    

This award will be presented to a coach, official, volunteer or individual who has made an outstanding contribution to badminton over a long period. The award is aimed at those unsung heroes who may not have a high profile but work tirelessly for the sport of badminton.  


If you know someone who has…  

  • Dedicated a substantial amount of their time into badminton  
  • Gone above and beyond what has been asked of them   
  • Been a positive role model to others   
  • Improved the offering and/or quality of badminton in their club or community   


… then you should nominate them for the Lifetime Derrick Roarty Award.   

Volunteer of the year  

This award is presented to a volunteer that has made an invaluable contribution to Badminton within a club, competition or local community during 2024

If you know a volunteer who…  

  • Considers inclusive practices to remove barriers and reduce inequalities   
  • Takes a person-centred approach to understand the needs of others   
  • Is a positive role model and inspires others   


… then you should nominate them for Volunteer of the year.  

The Community Impact Award (New)

This Award celebrates the outstanding work of a person or club that is making a real difference in their community through Badminton. This could be through their club, group or project creating a positive impact around them.

We are looking for someone who

– Has set something up or is delivering activity that has a had a positive impact on the local community

– Helps to remove barriers to participation and reduce inequalities

– Brings people together

– Been a positive role model to others

Coach of the year  


This award is for an individual that has shown an outstanding commitment to coaching and developing athletes of all ages and abilities. The award is aimed at coaches who work in club and community settings to encourage players to keep improving and participating in badminton.  

We are looking for a community coach who…  

  • Takes regular sessions meeting the needs of all players   
  • Helps to remove barriers to participation and reduce inequalities   
  • Takes time to helps player develop skills and build confidence  
  • Is a positive role model and inspires others   



This award is for an individual that has shown an outstanding commitment to coaching and further development of athletes in their sport. The award is aimed at coaches working with players and groups of players who have made a significant improvement in this year or over a period of years.  

We are looking for a community coach who…  

  • Has supported and demonstrated valued performance sport behaviours within their coaching   
  • Builds relationships with their players and the team around them   
  • Has invested time into their own development   
  • Is a positive role model and inspires others        


Performance athlete of the year   

Senior (Any players over 19 years of age)  

This award is for an individual (or pair) who have displayed the most outstanding performance and/or improvement over the course of 2023-2024 season. This award will be open to public vote and a shortlist will be announced soon so do not nominate on the form. 


This award celebrates a junior player (or pair) that have displayed outstanding performances and improvement over the course of 2023-2024 season.   


This award celebrates a disability player (or pair) that have displayed outstanding performances and improvement over the course of 2023-2024 season.   

Masters (New) 

This award celebrates a Masters player (or pair) that have displayed outstanding performances and improvement over the course of 2023-2024 season. 

Student Club of the Year (New)

This award recognises a Student Badminton Club that has made a significant contribution to the development of Badminton in Higher and Further Education (College or University).

If you know a student club that

– Helps to remove barriers and reduce inequalities

– Creates a welcoming environment for new student badminton players

– Holds regular sessions to meet the needs of all participants

– Creates a positive impact in both the student and local community through the club

Then you should nominate them for Student Club of the year 


Club of the year  

This award recognises a Badminton club that has made a significant contribution to the development of our sport in their local community.  

If you know a club that…  

  • Helps to remove barriers and reduce inequalities   
  • Takes time to understand and build confidence within their players  
  • Holds regular sessions to meet the needs of all participants  
  • Has spent time working on initiatives within their local community   
  • Considers the wider impact of badminton to their local area  

… then you should nominate them for Club of the year.  

President’s Award  

At the discretion of the President e.g. Uber Cup team, or a particular individual who may have been nominated for another category (e.g. volunteer, coach etc) but were not successful in winning it.


Here you can find more information about the awards and nomination process. 


What’s is the nomination process? 

We have a simple nomination form to make it quick and easy to complete.  


Which category should I nominate in? 

You can find out more about each award and what we’re looking for here. This should help you decide which category is the best fit for the person/club you would like to nominate. 


Can I nominate someone in multiple categories? 

Yes, but you will need to complete a separate form. This is because the criteria vary between categories, so you will need to tailor your nomination to each category. 


What time frame should my nomination refer to? 

The information you provide must relate to the year 2024, as this is the timeframe we are basing the awards on. The one exception is for lifetime achievement nominations, which should refer to the individual’s overall career and contribution and the performance awards where it is based on the season of 2023 / 2024.


Can I start the form and come back to it, or do I need to complete it in one go? 

You won’t be able to save your progress in the form, however we have simplified the forms for this year so it won’t take long to complete. You can check below to see which information you will need to provide, and you may wish to write your 300 word nomination first and then copy and paste into the form.   


What information do I need to provide? 

In the nomination form, you will need to provide the following information. All fields are compulsory. You may wish to write your 400 word nomination before starting, then copy and paste it in to the form.  

  • Which award category does this nomination relate to 
  • Name of individual/coach/club being nominated (the person you are nominating) 
  • About the nominee (age, gender and location) (the person you are nominating) 
  • Email address of the person you are nominating (or best contact) 
  • Referring to the award criteria, please outline why the nominee should win this award (up to 400 words)  
  • Name and email of nominator (your own details) 

It’s important that in your nomination you refer to the for the relevant category. The sift group and judges will be referring to these criteria when shortlisting and selecting winners.  


Do I need to get permission from the person I am nominating? 

It’s a good idea to let the nominee know so you can be sure they’re happy to be nominated. Once nominations have closed, we will contact all nominees to confirm they are happy to be considered for the award. 


How will the information be used? 

All nominations will be assessed by a ‘sift’ conducted by a select panel who will create a shortlist. Judges will then make a final decision on winners for each category. Information will only be viewed by the panel and judges, and managed in accordance with Badminton Scotland’s privacy and data protection policies.  


Can I get confirmation that my nomination has been received? 

Once submitting the form, you will see a confirmation message. At this stage you will also be able to download a copy of your answers if you wish to keep this for reference. If you need to check anything about the nomination at a later date, please contact 


Will nominees be notified? 

After the closing date, we will contact all nominees to let them know that they have been nominated for an award, and to confirm that they are happy to be considered. This does not necessarily mean that they have or haven’t been shortlisted or selected as a winner, but we hope that they will appreciate the recognition. We will then be in touch with winners at a later date.  


When is the deadline for all nominations? 

Sunday 15th September 2024


How will winners be recognised? 

We hope to celebrate with our winners at an awards ceremony on the Saturday 23rd November at a Civic Ceremony during the Scottish Open at the Emirates Function Suite at 11:30am.


Winners and guests will be contacted directly with more information. Winners will also be profiled and celebrated on the Badminton Scotland website and social media channels. 


I have another question 

Please contact and we will get back to you as soon as possible