Badminton Scotland mourns Elinor Paterson’s passing

Badminton Scotland are mourning Elinor Paterson, who recently passed away after a short illness.

Elinor worked for Badminton Scotland as Coaching and Events administrator for a number of years, retiring in 2018.

She was part of the Key Personnel Team which ran the annual Scottish Open Championships, and she was actively involved in the staging of all Badminton Scotland’s major events, including the 1997 Sudirman Cup and Individual World Championships, the 2007 Sudirman Cup and the 2017 World Individual Championships.

Her passion and enthusiasm were plain for all to see, and she was liked and respected by all who knew her.

Elinor leaves behind husband Roy, children Craig, Keith and Karen and three grandchildren.

Elinor requested a small, private funeral. However, her family would like to invite all Elinor’s friends and relatives to celebrate her life at 1.45pm on Monday 17 February at Dalmeny Park Hotel, Barrhead, for a buffet lunch. Dark clothes and ties are not required.