Incredible turnout for Badminton Scotland’s first Scottish Chinese Cup

Over 70 people attended the Inaugural Scottish Chinese Cup this Saturday. Over ten teams competed against each other across the day with gold in mind.
Regional Development Officer Rita Yuan Gao organised the event after being involved in many multi sport Chinese Cups that included badminton but wanted to provide Badminton Scotland members with a specific tournament for them.
In the past we’ve done other Chinese cups with other sports but this is the first time Badminton Scotland has organised and ran one on its own as well as getting more people involved by changing the team dynamics.
“It was very busy on the day with over 70 people there and although in the past the teams had just been Chinese people this time we opened it up so teams could have two non Chinese people on the team so it was more mixed.”
”In the past we’ve done other Chinese cups with other sports but this is the first time Badminton Scotland has organised and ran on its own.”
Due to the successful feedback this tournament will become an annual event with hopes of growth for the prestige of the Cup.
 “It’s going to be an annual event and we’ve got a cup ready to hand over. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and next year there are even more there”