Scotland take home top prize at 4 Nations Graded International competition

Scotland had another very successful weekend at the 4 Nations Graded International winning the Overall trophy.
18 athletes travelled down to the National Badminton Centre in Milton Keynes with Teams F, G and H all won Gold with team E narrowly missing out on Silver.
Speaking to one of the individual captains Lynette Pollock about the event she said ‘The event is such a good way to allow players of similar standard to come together and compete as well as get to know other players from different countries.’
 ‘It was a great weekend showing a fantastic level of team spirit and determination from everyone involved. Everyone supported each other and we couldn’t be more delighted to walk away with 3 Golds and the overall trophy from the event just highlights how we came together. Everyone in Scotland really put their all into playing and it was such a special thing to be part of.